Faculty of Forestry and Environment
Dean’s dialogue was held to give room for students to share their aspiration regarding facilities or services provide by Faculty of Forestry and Environment. On 2023 dean’s dialogue, there are several aspiration from student as follows: 1) classroom facilities, 2) parking area, 3) activity room for student organizations, 4) security, and 5) tools available on the faculty.
Classrooms at IPB are shared spaces, so they are not exclusively used by forestry students. Therefore, equipment requests should be submitted to the director of facilities at IPB, and therefore, the faculty cannot immediately replace the old and damaged equipment. Hence, the efforts that can be made by the faculty are limited. If there are issues with the classroom or broken microphones, students can directly contact the class manager whose contact information is provided in each classroom. It is important to monitor between class breaks since the available staff is limited.
The parking area for cars is located in some areas that allocated as Parking Areas, for examples are in front of Forest Management Department, roadside near the Forest Product Department, the parking lot of an old building of the Forest Conservation Department, and other parking lot location. Additionally, forestry students do not exclusively use classrooms in the faculty, so the parking area is also not solely used by forestry students. If there are any issues, they can be directly reported or each student organization can organize a communal clean-up, at least in the faculty area.
The student organization secretariat is prepared on the 3rd floor of Tanoto (Forestry Information Centre) Building, with 12 rooms allocated for student organization secretariats. It will be coordinated later whether they will be moved or remain in the current secretariat. The student organization secretariat room must also always be well maintained, especially in terms of cleanliness. The development of rooms has not been planned yet because it has not been maximized.
Aspiration about security, apparently some students feel uncomfortable with some missing items and more students want additional CCTV. The campus security unit assigns faculty with some shifts; one location has 3 guards, totalling 9 supervisors. Thus, there is still a shortage of human resources. The faculty has assigned security patrols, but only at certain hours. Faculty has provide CCTV in each room, but in certain areas that are relatively far from the buildings, it is still lacking. Students are expected to be responsible for their belongings. The available human resources are still limited, and the forestry department has also coordinated with the central administration, police, and crime investigation unit, but there is still no clear follow-up. There must also be collaboration among students. We need to find breakthroughs so it is not just the faculty making efforts. If students see spots with poor lighting or vulnerable places, they can directly report to the secretary or the faculty staff.
The equipment for practical sessions is provided by the department; if the equipment is damaged, it can be reported to the department or faculty staff. Some equipment has not been used for a long time, especially during COVID19. If any issues disrupt the learning process, students can be directly coordinated with the department or faculty staff. The faculty will propose solutions to the central administration regarding the issues present within the departments. Four Important Points should be taken into notice: 1) Responsibility towards oneself and others, 2) Identify problems within the faculty area, 3) Coordinate on every problem within the area, and 4) Evaluation.
Farhan from KSHE 55 who also a head of IBAD Praying Room Management show his aspiration regarding the facilities at the Ibaadurrahman (IBAD) praying room. The faculty has a slogan “ASIK” with “A” standing for “agamis” (religious). The facilities at IBAD need improvement, one of which is the carpet. Besides that, the air conditioner at IBAD is still not available, the cupboard is damaged, the inventory of equipment at IBAD is still limited, and the door at IBAD is inadequate. Adequate lighting around IBAD is also needed. Dean of Faculty of Forestry and Environment has response to this matter. It is said that some of the reported issues have been followed up on. Repairs indeed take time and allocating budget is needed. The challenge for IBAD is to create a proposal for the inventory of equipment needed, which can be proposed later. If we have a complete proposal, the dean’s office can share it with alumni or others who can assist in the follow-up on the repairs at IBAD.
Regarding academic facilities, Wafiq (student) has given his opinion, that the use of equipment during practical is still inefficient. The hope is to normalize this situation with support from the dean’s office. The facilities issue has been communicated by the Dean’s side. The equipment at the Forest Product Department is relatively old, and additional learning support equipment is needed. It is hoped that the necessary equipment can be identified so that the faculty and department can propose it to the central IPB, although this will take a long time. Abdul (student) wonder whether the faculty has already provided sports facilities. The forestry department once provided sports equipment, but the management by students was not good, so the equipment was lost or damaged. The question about equipment is not only raised by students but also by lecturers. The budget distribution from IPB is adjusted based on the number of students. For example Forest Product Department (DHH) receives less compared to the Forest Conservation and Ecotourism Department (KSHE) as KSHE has more students compared to DHH, hence the facilities and equipment vary between departments.
The allocation of equipment in each department is different. This is why some departments seek other funding sources besides from IPB. Besides efforts from lecturers and the dean’s office, perhaps BEM and student organizations from the forestry faculty can directly convey their aspirations to IPB for improvements and upgrades of facilities in the forestry department. Dr. Cahyo as lecturer said that there is information regarding sports facilities like the badminton and volleyball courts at the Forest Management Department, which can be optimized by the students.
Photo session head of student representative and dean after the Dean’s Dialogue
Photo session dean, vice department and all students after the Dean’s Dialogue
Students’ aspirations and comments