The 4th International Conference on Tropical Silviculture (ICTS 2023) merupakan konferensi internasional di bidang silvikultur tropis serta hutan dan lingkungan yang diselenggarakan setiap dua tahun sekali oleh Departemen Silvikultur Fakultas
Dear Forestry Enthusiast, Department of Silviculture, Faculty of Forestry and Environment, IPB University proudly present ICTS Competitions: Young Generation as Agent of Change in Sustainable Forest Management and Sustainable Development
Departemen Silvikultur Fakultas Kehutanan dan Lingkungan, IPB University kembali akan menyelenggarakan International Conference on Tropical Silviculture (ICTS) pada bulan Agustus 2023. Tema konferensi tahun ini adalah “Bridging Silviculture Knowledge and
Students from the Silviculture Department of the Faculty of Forestry and Environment at IPB University, who are members of the Tree Grower Community Professional Association (TGC), carried out a planting